

《物件分解冇中央Things fall apart, the center cannot hold

有來有去,來來去去,冇中央,一切攏是無常。Comes and goes, the center cannot hold; everything is impermanent.

心情有時陣好有時陣䆀,有時陣悶悶鬱鬱有時陣爽神暢樂;冇中央,一切攏是無常。In between episodes of mood swings, sorrow and joy, the center cannot hold; everything is impermanent.

脾氣有時陣四散,有時陣拍結;冇中央,一切攏是無常。At times, our temper flows, and at times it is blocked. All is in constant motion. Everything is impermanent.

有時陣感覺饑荒、有時陣飽滇;冇中央,一切攏是無常。Feeling low or high, in famine, or in abundance, the center cannot hold; everything is impermanent.

自我有時陣收縮有時陣膨脹;冇中央,一切攏是無常。The ego, shrink or expand, cannot hold; everything is impermanent.

想遠想近,想闊想窄,想深想淺,想長想短;冇中央,一切攏是無常。Thinking far and near, wide and narrow, deep and shallow, long and short, cannot hold; everything is impermanent.

過去未來現在,是一直徙振動的投影;冇中央,一切攏是無常。The past, the future, and the present moment are the ever-moving shadows, cannot hold; everything is impermanent.

是一種放鬆和堅持ê透濫相佮,有時鼓舞有時絕望,冇任何物件會當冇變動;冇中央,一切攏是無常。It is a fine mingling of letting go and holding on, either inspiration or desperation, nothing can hold; everything is impermanent.

當你看著你的老伴時,著要相真真對方的本尊,你不得不予伊自然地流動、開展;冇中央,一切攏是無常。When you look at your partner, you must seek to see his essence, and allow things to flow and unfold naturally.

《心經》ê核心是空佮慈悲心;冇中央,一切攏是無常。The essence of the Heart sutra is the union of emptiness and compassion.

只有當我看到你佮我的空,認得你佮我的痛是一體,這個痛是空冇分刈、未有天反地亂,按呢,我才有法度發現著生命ê意義,並且實現無量ê慈悲心佮疼心。冇中央,一切攏是無常。It is when I see the emptiness in you and in myself, and recognize that your pain and mine are one, that our pain is empty of any separation, or ultimate chaos, that we discover life’s meaning and realize boundless compassion and love.

阿信佮阿堅啊,活咧若準冇慈悲心,每一工攏太短;阿信佮阿堅,活咧若準冇空心,每一工攏太長。George and Ken, Each day is too short to live without compassion; George and Ken, Each day is too long to live without emptiness.

阿信佮阿堅,祝福空心佮慈悲心賜乎你們力量、陪伴你們生生世世。George and Ken, may compassion and emptiness be the Forces to bless your union forever.
